spread the love

Support FeedMore WNY by donating urgently-needed peanut butter as part of our Spread the Love Peanut Butter Drive throughout the month of February!

You can help us meet the need in our community by donating protein-packed peanut butter!

For details of how to set up your drive, contact Betsy Campbell at bcampbell@feedmorewny.org or call 716-822-2005, ext. 3090.

help us ‘spread the love’ in February

Beginning Thursday, Feb. 1, peanut butter donations can be dropped off to FeedMore WNY!

Donations will be collected through Friday, Feb. 28.

drop-off hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays

drop-off site: FeedMore WNY Warehouse, 91 Holt St., Buffalo

make a virtual peanut butter donation

You can purchase and donate peanut butter directly to our food distribution warehouse by clicking here.

Donated goods will be counted and delivered to our program at the conclusion of Spread the Love!

donate online