community food drive
On Tuesday, October 17, join us for a food drive at Highmark Stadium from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.! Enjoy on-site entertainment at this one-day event!
Fans are asked to enter the stadium parking lot through the Abbott Road entrance. Volunteers will be available to assist.

what to bring
Some of the items needed to support FeedMore WNY’s childhood feeding programs include:
* Peanut Butter (16 ounce plastic jars)
* Macaroni and Cheese (6 ounce box)
* Oatmeal (individual sized packets)
* Tomato Sauce (15 ounce cans, low sodium)
* Canned Vegetables (15 ounce cans, any variety, low sodium)
* Canned Fruits (15 ounce cans, any variety, canned in juice or water)
* Canned Chicken or Tuna (5 ounce cans, canned in water)
* Whole Wheat Pasta (whole wheat pasta, rice)